Career Queen
Consulting Services

With my extensive recruitment experience, background, and network, I can help you find the right job. Once we complete our time working together, I will work with you to find the perfect role that matches your skills, interests, and passion.

Packages for Individuals

Meet the Career Queen
Free 20-minute phone/Zoom consultation to get to know you and where you are at with your career journey and where you are wanting to head. Includes recommendation of career coaching services, resume review & 3 tips.
From Small things great things grow
$ $195 - $295 (based on career level)
  • Career establishment interview – summary from interview provided
  • Resume review and rewrite
  • Cover Letter review and rewrite
  • Positive career affirmations
Route 66
$ $350 - $500 (based on career level)
  • Career establishment interview – summary from interview provided
  • Resume review and rewrite
  • Cover Letter review and rewrite
  • LinkedIn review and rewrite
  • Positive career affirmations
Career Makeover
$ $695
  • This is designed for individuals who are wishing to makeover their career. Designed to delve into the past experiences and skills to build confidence in making an informed decision about next steps in their career pathway
Bouncing Back from Knockbacks
$ $395
  • This service is designed for people who have been out searching for their dream job but are being faced with knock backs from prospective employers. I will work with you to re-ignite your confidence and get you back on the right track to land your dream role.
Recovering from Redundancy
$ $750
  • Being made redundant can be very daunting. It can reduce one’s confidence and ability to bounce back and start searching for another role. Often people are feeling uncertain, inadequate and don’t know what to do next. The carpet literally can feel like it has been ripped from out under them.
Boss Babe / Boss Dude
$ $1495
  • This service is for the inner boss babe that lies in all of us. I will work with you from start to finish on your new career journey. I will reignite your confidence, your self esteem and set you on your path for ultimate success as the best boss babe. The world is your oyster!!
For the young Lass or Lad
$ $350
  • (Up to 25 years old). We all need to start somewhere and what better way than having the magic touch from the Career Queen. I will set you on your path for complete success.
  • Introduction Interview
  • Cover letter review & rewrite
  • Resume review & rewrite
  • LinkedIn review & rewrite
  • Application & Interview preparation
  • Dressing for success

Packages for Groups

CareerQueen group session
Workshops for Small Groups
1 day session
$ $395 per person
  • Up to 10, minimum 5. What better way to learn all the tricks of the trade in a small group training session. These intimate groups are a perfect way to learn, collaborate, build confidence, and meet other likeminded people who are on the same journey as you.
  • How to write a Resume & Cover Letter - templates provided
  • LinkedIn - tips and instructions provided
  • Success Journaling
  • Taking the Competitive Advantage
  • Styling - Presenting to an Interview
Organisational Restructure Outsourcing
$ $POA
  • In the dynamic landscape of business, companies occasionally encounter the need for restructuring, leading to workforce redundancies. I collaborate closely with your employees during this transition, providing essential support and guidance. From understanding their career history to exploring new career paths, I empower individuals to embark on their next professional journey with confidence.
  • For companies going through a restructure resulting in redundancy, a customised package can be arranged to include however not limited to...
  • Workshop for incumbent employee/s
  • Market Insights and Industries Hiring
  • Resume & Cover Letter writing
  • LinkedIn profiling
  • Application & interview techniques

Unbundled Options

Select from the Career Queen’s services to create your ideal package.

Ready to take the next step?

I am excited to coach you on your career journey and to reignite your passion.  Your dream job is just around the corner.

Alana Mitchell Career Queen

Career Make Over

Session 1:

  • Career establishment interview – summary from interview provided
  • Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn review 

Session 2: Skills Mining & Mapping

  • An in-depth analysis on each role and what skills past & present you have obtained
  • Review of other skills obtained elsewhere not on the job
  • Upskilling advice & recommendations
  • Summary provided of all the above
  • Success journalling

Session 3: Confidence building

  • Positive career affirmations
  • Success Journal Review
  • Key strengths, skills and attributes summarised – in readiness for applying for new roles.


  • Resume review and rewrite
  • Cover Letter review and rewrite
  • LinkedIn review and rewrite

Optional add-ons – $350 for the bundle

  • Application process
  • Interview technique & preparation
  • Presenting to an interview
  • Taking the competitive advantage
  • How to sell yourself to the job role with your elevator pitch

Bouncing Back from Knockbacks

Session 1:

  • Review on knockbacks
  • Review of Resume, Cover Letter & LinkedIn – tips and recommendations provided.
  • Option to rewrite & adjust with Career Establishment Interview ($275) 

Session 2:

  • Skills mining: an in-depth analysis on each role and what skills past & present you have obtained
  • Application process
  • Interview techniques & preparation
  • How to sell yourself to the job role with your elevator pitch (script provided)

Session 3: 

  • Presenting to an interview
  • Taking the competitive advantage

Recovering from Redundancy

Common questions asked when being faced with a redundancy

What do I do next?
How do I overcome the effects of redundancy and move forward?
I feel so daunted and unsure and have no confidence to know what to do where do I start?
I feel bitter about my current situation, why did they do this to me?

Redundancy doesn’t mean rejection. Redundancy means opportunity. Your hand has been forced; yet look at what will be next. I can work with you to create your next career chapter. We will work together on redesigning, reshaping & recreating. This is an exciting time!

Session 1:

  • Career establishment interview – summary from interview provided
  • Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn review

Session 2: Skills Mining & Mapping

  • In-depth analysis on each role and what skills past present you have obtained
  • Review of other skills obtained elsewhere not on the job
  • Upskilling advice & recommendations
  • Summary provided of all the above
  • Foundation for success journaling

Session 3:

  • Applying for new roles – application process what to do and not do
  • Interview preparation & technique
  • How to present to an interview
  • How to sell yourself to the job role – what is your elevator pitch?

Session 4:

  • Taking the competitive advantage
  • Confidence building
  • Resume review and rewrite
  • Cover Letter review and rewrite
  • LinkedIn review and rewrite

Boss Babe / Boss Dude

Session 1:

  • Career establishment interview – summary from interview provided
  • Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn review

Session 2: Skills Mining & Mapping

  • An in-depth analysis on each role and what skills past & present you have obtained
  • Review of other skills obtained elsewhere not on the job
  • Upskilling advice & recommendations
  • Summary provided of all the above
  • Success journaling

Session 3:

  • Applying for new roles – application process: what to do and not do
  • Interview preparation & technique – the do’s and don’ts. What can set you apart from the rest
  • How to present to an interview
  • How to sell yourself to the job role – include your your elevator pitch

Session 4:

  • Learning to take the competitive advantage – rising above other applicants
  • Confidence Building Dress for Success – Styling Hair & Make Up & Clothing


  • Resume review and rewrite
  • Cover Letter review and rewrite
  • LinkedIn review and rewrite

Applications & interview:

  • Adjusting cover letter and resume through key words that align with the job role (up to 5 roles)
  • Preparing for the phone interview through the success journal spiels & script
  • Interview Preparation (up to 3 roles)